I AM going to take off those holiday pounds. I Am Not going to be miserable in the process. Nor do I intend to make my husband and friends miserable as well. There is no need for shared misery, isolation, depravation and pain.
So, I will be exercising more and eating consciously. I will be doing things I actually enjoy and don’t particularly ‘hurt’ my body. Things like walking more, riding my bicycle downtown for a coffee, swimming at the Y, paddle boarding around the lake, and there is always work to be done in the yard. The last one is particularly rewarding and easy to squeeze in a half hour even if its chilly out like this morning. I will not be running (unless someone is chasing me), nor signing up for crazy hot-yoga or dance classes that I am simply not coordinated enough to do, or buying a bunch of exercise equipment. I do have a ‘fitbit’ and if mid-day I see I have not gotten in enough steps, well I’ll make a few extra trips up the stairs, and go out for a walk. I’ll park a little farther out in the parking lot. I’ll carry the garbage and the recycling out separately… I will get up and move!
I will eat more vegetables, grains and lean proteins. I happen to like all kinds of vegetable soups. I will eat very flavorful and lean duck with farro, not dried out bland chicken on rice. I will snack on truffle popcorn instead of queso dip. I’ll enjoy late night celery and cheese instead of chips and dip. I will drink more water and less wine. (Note, I did not say I will not have a drop of wine for xx days, remember, I am going to enjoy this process.) I will still go out for lunch with friends. I will have friends over for dinner. There are hundreds of things I really enjoy eating that are healthy and lower in calories than the things we get drawn into eating out of habit (particularly around the holidays).
Holiday pounds – be gone. This is not difficult or complicated. I am going to move my body and enjoy it! I am going to be conscious of what goes in my mouth, and enjoy it! I am not going to try and exist off of Triscuits, grapefruit, and kale juice. I am not going to count every calorie. I am not going to become a hermit. If you find that enjoyable or are just one of those folks that needs to ‘suffer’ well knock yourself out. Me, I’m going to ‘enjoy the ride’ AND … get back into my ‘skinny jeans’!