Nothing says Spring like a Peep!

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Nothing says Spring like a Peep!

There is more than one kind of PEEP. I love them all.

peep bunnies
peep bunnies

Last week after a dinner meeting, a friend was holding a clay pot with an ‘arrangement’ of Peep Bunnies on sticks which had been the table decor. (Very Clever!) I walked over and snatched one from the pot and promptly ate the ears right off. My friend stood staring at me with jaw dropped as I enthusiastically said ‘ I just LOVE peeps!” (Note that  her daughter may not greet me so warmly the next time I visit their home as I think she may have been just as excited about those Peep bunnies as I .)

roasted poussin recipe photo
platter of roasted poussin

Now, it is hard to beat a marshmallow covered in colored sugar… but a  Fresh Spring Chicken is  a serious peep competitor. Poussin is the French term for young Spring chickens ( of course you can get them any time of year now a days) They are small tender and absolutely delicious. They make for an incredibly easy and elegant dinner presentation and are the epitome of Spring. Check out this easy recipe on There is absolutely no comparison to a Cornish game hen in your grocer’s freezer. You owe it to yourself to try them if you have never enjoyed a fresh poussin.

The other kind of ‘peep’ is our family of Viva Gourmet friends- and you all are my favorite type of Peep. Thanks for your enthusiastic support of

So use the code ‘peeps2015’ and get 15% off your next Viva Gourmet order!


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