Egg Tagliatelle “Filotea” (hg)

Imported from Italy

Tagliatelle imported from Italy. Crafted with traditional methods to produce a a perfect pasta with just the right amount of structure and chew. There really is a difference in your supermarket pasta and those crafted in Italy. It’s the flour, the eggs the water. Everything is fresh and the results are delicious. They also use traditional bronze dies which result in a wonderful texture and assists in the commingling of your pasta and sauce. This tagliatelle was recently a finalist in the Sofi awards competition at the Fancy Food Show in NYC. This may seem extravagant for a “pantry staple” but wait till you whip up a platter for drop in guests. ( cooks in four minutes!) They are likely to think YOU made it Fresh!

Order several to keep on hand for ’emergencies’. ( makes a terrific hostess gift paired with a jar of our Trentasette pesto)

Imported egg Tagliatelle from Filotea.250G

Weight: 8.8 oz
SKU: PA007

Additional Information

Weight 8.8 oz


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Reduced Shipping Costs

Many of our ingredients are perishable and therefore by necessity, require FEDEX Standard Overnight shipping. There is no way around it - it's costly, and understanding shipping calculations practically requires a degree in actuary science!

In order to help defray your cost of shipping, we have incorporated shipping discounts for many of our finer ingredients. These ingredients are noted on the web site and the discounts will be automatically calculated when the ingredient is added to your cart. These discounts are cumalitive, so you could end up with very low or no shipping charges. (dependant on your location)

The best part is that you might as well add that extra pound of mushrooms, a bottle of truffle oil, some pasta or your favorite "pantry staples" because the shipping costs may not even change!


By utilizing the finest and freshest ingredients, and the using time honored methods of extruding with bronze dies and slowly air drying something truly wonderful happens to pasta. Only small artisnal pasta makers like this one from Marche Italy can take the time to use these traditional methods, the freshest free range eggs, durum and semolina flours. The results of their labor of love are evident in this superior pasta. Again, Quality over Quantity.

How to Prep/Store

This is a great "pantry staple". Keep a pack or two on hand for when you need a quick but really good dish. Store in its attractive packaging in your pantry until date on package.  I seriously doubt you will be able to keep it terribly long!  Cooks quickly - in about 4 minutes. The package says it is 4 servings as a main course and they are quite generous servings- but it is so good you may want to prepare extra!

Recipe Ideas

Good quality ingredients make a simple supper quick and easy. Sauté a chopped sweet onion, 3 cloves of fresh minced garlic until soft and fragrant. Add a half pound of sliced fresh mushrooms if you have on hand. Brown one pound of fresh organic ground beef, add in the garlic and onion and mushrooms, stir in two chopped fresh tomatoes and a jar of your favorite marinara. Simmer for a few minutes, add half glass of red wine- drink the rest as you enjoy the aromas). Stir in some fresh chopped rosemary and oregano if you have some. Cook Filotea tagliatella according to package in generously salted water. Drain and reserve a cup or so of the cooking water. Add the cooked and drained pasta and toss with a little of the cooking water. Top with fresh grated parmesan or romano and serve!  I'm talking less than 30 minutes- EASY and Delicious!